You and your dog’s security is of utmost importance. In practice this means that where an agreement with you includes gaining access to a property, I will ensure that I maintain your security on arrival, entrance and vacating of your premises. All information you provide at anytime, is secured in a locked cupboard or securely in electronic form. It is not accessible to any third parties.
I understand that the information you provide me at anytime is private and confidential. I will not give or make available your information to a third party, use your name and information for any purpose other than providing you and your dog the walking services as agreed. I will not use it directly or indirectly for references, without your written agreement.
You and your dog’s security is of utmost importance. In practice this means that where an agreement with you includes gaining access to a property, I will ensure that I maintain your security on arrival, entrance and vacating of your premises. All information you provide at anytime, is secured in a locked cupboard or securely in electronic form. It is not accessible to any third parties.
I understand that the information you provide me at anytime is private and confidential. I will not give or make available your information to a third party, use your name and information for any purpose other than providing you and your dog the walking services as agreed. I will not use it directly or indirectly for references, without your written agreement.